Glycemic Index - Why you need to know it for the sake of your health and Longevity.
The glycemic index will tell you how fast a particular food is broken down into blood sugar (glucose). For health and longevity reasons this is important for you to know.
Sugar being the fastest is set at 100 and all other foods are measured against it. Therefore when a foods glycemic ranking is close to 100 it is turned to blood sugar rapidly. The closer to zero the slower it is turned to blood sugar.
The breakdown is as follows: Foods which rank between 70 and 100 are considered high, 56 and 69 intermediate and 55 and less is low (and are turned to blood sugar slow).
As an example here are some foods and their glycemic rankings.
High Glycemic Index Foods
Sugar 100
Rice Chex 89
Corn flakes 84
French fries 75
Cheerios 74
White bread 70
Intermediate glycemic ranking
Whole wheat bread 69
Mars bar 68
Beets 64
Hamburger bun 61
Low Glycemic Index foods
Oatmeal cookie 55
Frosted flakes 55
Potato chips 54
Macaroni 47
Spaghetti 42
Snickers bar 41
Ravioli, meat 39
Apple 38
Pear 38
M&Ms peanut 33
Peach 33
Skim milk 32
Whole milk 27
Cherries 22
Peanuts 14
If you are like most people you are amazed by this chart. If you find it riveting don't worry you are normal. It is riveting.
Some of the stuff you might think is a misprint. Skim milk is 32 and whole milk is lower at 27 how can that be? Whole wheat bread is 69 and white bread is only one point higher at 70. Oatmeal cookies, those sweet sugar coated frosted flakes and potato chips all squeak in under the low ranking? You got to be kidding. And if you are pasta lover the great news is pretty much every kind of pasta is in the low ranking.
And perhaps the biggest surprise is a candy bar, Snickers, is only 41, and M&Ms peanuts are only 33 this is impossible we're talking about CANDY here. Well a Snickers bar and M&Ms peanuts both have peanuts in them. Look where peanuts are, 14. If you have candy combined with a protein the protein will actually slow down the rise in blood sugar. Waist watchers take note this is a very important tip for losing weight.
By now you may have gotten the idea that a high glycemic ranking is bad and a low one is good and you would be right.
The high glycemic foods cause "spikes" in the blood sugar. The blood sugar rises rapidly and you may experience a sugar high but then the body responds by pumping out lots of insulin which immediately lowers the blood sugar but it lowers it too far and then you experience the depression and tiredness of the "sugar blues."
Foods in the Low glycemic category release blood sugar slowly so you feel full LONGER and your energy remains steady. You are not as ferociously hungry for your next meal so won't consume as many calories plus you will be less inclined to snack between meals thus lowering your daily caloric intake in an easy effortless way.
The ideal situation for someone trying to lose weight!
There are so many books, articles, theories and opinions on weight loss most of them contradicting each other it is impossible to know which direction to take. It is fantastic to finally have a system devoid of all opinion that ranks foods scientifically according to the glycemic index.
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