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How familiar is this scene, "Sweetie, have you done your homework?
Yeeeees Mom, I am finishing it right now!" You peek around the corner
only to find the TV on, dim lighting,, and your student plopped on the
couch, eyes glazed over, half asleep, but sincerely holding on to that
vocabulary list or calculator, as if trying to channel the information into
their mind. If your student isn't quite old enough to realize the comfort
that comes with studying this way, careful, it's probably coming. If this
scene is indeed familiar to you, don't worry. It's familiar to many families
all across the country. The problem is that most students are never
taught the practical and necessary study skills required to succeed in
studying, test taking, and retention.

While there are many issues we could raise with this scene, we're going
to discuss what's probably the most overlooked study skill that will help
your student improve the way they study, and in turn improve the way
they perform in school, setting a study environment.

* The most obvious problem with our student's study habits is that it, in
no way-shape-or-form, mimics that of their test-taking environment.
Your memory uses triggers to recall information, whether it is words,
pictures or noises our minds naturally make mental associations
between information intake and the environment in which it is taken. It's
similar to when you hear a song that makes you remember high school,
or see a painting that reminds you of a vacation you once took. You
never purposely made those connections; your brain did it
automatically. It's the same with studying.

* Many students will put forth an effort to actually make triggers in order
to remember information, like using acronyms or word associations. But
there are many of other connections our minds make and we don't even
realize it.

* Studies have shown that if students could study in the exact
environment that they test in, performance would rise drastically. Why?
It's because our minds remember environment. Using this information,
we can deduce that if in class you are sitting up straight, at a desk, with
no distracting noises or voices, this is how you should study. While it is
very rare to be able to study in the exact same environment you take
tests in, every effort should be made to make it as close as possible.
This may mean turning off the television, sitting at a table or desk
instead of sitting on the couch, and even turning off the television.
(Unless music is classical, which has shown to be beneficial when
played softly in the background, music should be omitted too.)

* Improving your study environment can almost guarantee better
performance. Sometimes the smallest effort to improve any aspect of
studying, whether it be environment or something else, can make al the
difference on test day and even contribute to remembering it long after.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books written on study skills,
promising improved performance. Chances are each and every one
has something good to say, but all the books and tips in the world can't
help a student that studies in front of the television eating cookies. So
often all we need is that small incremental step in the right direction to
drastically improve results in the end. It's much more effective to attempt
small or practical study goals. Improving your study environment is a
seemingly common sense improvement, but is overlooked by many
parents. By making this effort you will be setting your student on a track
for improved study habits that will stay with them and yield results for
years to come.

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McDonalds and Focus in the Brain

I just recently read an article in this months Week Magazine about the effects of "Junk food" on the brain and its ability to function and perform at optimum levels. It was very interesting. It mentioned a number of things very important to the Voice Professional concerning diet and it's effect on our brain and bodies as it relates to the voice. Firstly it was noted that research from scientific studies at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida, that rats given continual access to cheesecake, frosting, bacon, cheeses, cookies and other fatty high calorie foods, became, surprise surprise, "quickly obese." The more the rats ate, they more they could not stop. The white sugar, white flower and chemicals literally became addictive and the compulsion to eat these types of foods became more and more pressing. After a short period of time, they began to ignore electric shocks to their feet, in the presence of these foods. What was even more amazing was that the more they ate and became addicted to these high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt foods the pleasure center in their brains lit up as if they were taking drugs! But that doesn't surprise me considering these substances are drugs. Over time, the article mentioned, the rats had to eat more and more to feel satisfied. When the food was removed and healthier alternatives were offered, "the rats basically starved themselves to death for two weeks."

Dr. Gene-Jack Wang of Brookhaven National Labaratory pointed out that the findings in this study were not surprising, considering the fact that fast-food and chemically processed foods are "striped of fiber and nutrition and designed to trigger innate preferences for fat, sugar and salt." So what does this have to do with the Voice Professional? Everything! Most obvious is the issue of health and appearance on stage or whenever you are in front of people. Face it, the business we are in is about looking good as much as it is sounding good. We have to take care of our physical health, it is an absolute priority. If our body is feeling run down, over loaded with chemicals, and sluggish, then our voice will reflect the way the body feels. It will take more and more energy, which should be going to vocal production, to just stay awake, fired up and alert. Which brings me to the next important issue here, mental alertness.

Studies have also shown that these chemicals, fats, white sugars, and white flour directly hamper the brains ability to focus and stay clear. In the book "Prescription for Natural Healing", James and Phyllis Balch report that "these foods have an adverse effect on brain function" and actually "turn off the brain." That is exactly the opposite effect we need when performing presenting or speaking in front of guests or potential clients and business associates. These foods also effect our ability to memorize and retain the information we are supposed to be delivering freely easily and flawlessly. I don't know abut you, but I work to hard at my craft to take chances with my brain when I need it to deliver for me. I am not willing to take the risk and eat a snickers bar and a double espresso before rehearsal.

So what are our alternatives? Well, I'm glad you asked! Below you may find many excellent alternatives for energy and brain enhancement that are easy to carry with you and you can use the second after you finish reading this blog.

Gogi Berries
Dried Fruits, Mangos are really great
Nuts- Sunflower, Almonds and Pumpkin seeds
Hard Boiled Eggs
Beans and Lentils
Broccoli, asparagus,spinach
Whole Wheat Pita and Hummus
Brown Rice

Brain Foods:
Emergen-C ( Vitamin C powder packs )
Acai Berries
Fresh Vegetable Juice

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McDonalds and Focus in the Brain

I just recently read an article in this months Week Magazine about the effects of "Junk food" on the brain and its ability to function and perform at optimum levels. It was very interesting. It mentioned a number of things very important to the Voice Professional concerning diet and it's effect on our brain and bodies as it relates to the voice. Firstly it was noted that research from scientific studies at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida, that rats given continual access to cheesecake, frosting, bacon, cheeses, cookies and other fatty high calorie foods, became, surprise surprise, "quickly obese." The more the rats ate, they more they could not stop. The white sugar, white flower and chemicals literally became addictive and the compulsion to eat these types of foods became more and more pressing. After a short period of time, they began to ignore electric shocks to their feet, in the presence of these foods. What was even more amazing was that the more they ate and became addicted to these high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt foods the pleasure center in their brains lit up as if they were taking drugs! But that doesn't surprise me considering these substances are drugs. Over time, the article mentioned, the rats had to eat more and more to feel satisfied. When the food was removed and healthier alternatives were offered, "the rats basically starved themselves to death for two weeks."

Dr. Gene-Jack Wang of Brookhaven National Labaratory pointed out that the findings in this study were not surprising, considering the fact that fast-food and chemically processed foods are "striped of fiber and nutrition and designed to trigger innate preferences for fat, sugar and salt." So what does this have to do with the Voice Professional? Everything! Most obvious is the issue of health and appearance on stage or whenever you are in front of people. Face it, the business we are in is about looking good as much as it is sounding good. We have to take care of our physical health, it is an absolute priority. If our body is feeling run down, over loaded with chemicals, and sluggish, then our voice will reflect the way the body feels. It will take more and more energy, which should be going to vocal production, to just stay awake, fired up and alert. Which brings me to the next important issue here, mental alertness.

Studies have also shown that these chemicals, fats, white sugars, and white flour directly hamper the brains ability to focus and stay clear. In the book "Prescription for Natural Healing", James and Phyllis Balch report that "these foods have an adverse effect on brain function" and actually "turn off the brain." That is exactly the opposite effect we need when performing presenting or speaking in front of guests or potential clients and business associates. These foods also effect our ability to memorize and retain the information we are supposed to be delivering freely easily and flawlessly. I don't know abut you, but I work to hard at my craft to take chances with my brain when I need it to deliver for me. I am not willing to take the risk and eat a snickers bar and a double espresso before rehearsal.

So what are our alternatives? Well, I'm glad you asked! Below you may find many excellent alternatives for energy and brain enhancement that are easy to carry with you and you can use the second after you finish reading this blog.

Gogi Berries
Dried Fruits, Mangos are really great
Nuts- Sunflower, Almonds and Pumpkin seeds
Hard Boiled Eggs
Beans and Lentils
Broccoli, asparagus,spinach
Whole Wheat Pita and Hummus
Brown Rice

Brain Foods:
Emergen-C ( Vitamin C powder packs )
Acai Berries
Fresh Vegetable Juice

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Dave and Josh throw a CRAZY sleepover!!

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In the high altitude of the Telluride (Colorado) mountains lives Snickers. Snickers is a wild Porcupine who has learned that looking cute equals goodies. He gently waddles up to skiers, paws out, sniffing. I had a cookie saved from lunch. He picked up the reaching for goodies body language and waddled to me immediately, he sat up and put his front paws on my knee. For a second I thought he was climbing my leg! My mind is trying to figure how to hug a Porcupine? I had to stand unable to move while he sat on my ski and ate it. Thats where he moved just after this. Very memorable way to see the first porcupine of my life. Thanks to Joe for these photos. I never saw the sign on the lift NOT to feed him. I have a feeling he is already imprinted by humans. Hes a regular and its the locals that have named him. And he looks like he's had a lot of cookies, etc........

granny cookies

We have no choice but to be fixated on the elections, Iraq, al Qaeda, gas and water shortages, the economy and our own bank accounts. But as we keep our eyes on all of that, we're missing something insidious coming in the back door.

It started here about a year or so with tainted dog food, moved to Europe, then to Indonesia, and then back to the U.S. again.

"It" is food made in China and tainted by melamine, which can be toxic in humans at certain levels. That it's popping up in more and more Chinese-manufactured foods makes one wonder: Is there a hidden Chinese agenda designed to have the dragon cripple the eagle?

The Chinese certainly have motive. With the implosion of the Soviet Union, China moved into second place on the Super Power scale, but they don't intend to stay there for long. They want to be number one, and they have some leverage to achieve that goal. If this tainted food problem is a test run for some concealed agenda, it's up to us, the people of the United States, to come to the eagle's rescue. That's because the government can't.

According to AP news, somebody in China fell asleep at the switch when melamine was added to baby formula, candy and an unknown number of other products. The baby formula wound up sickening 53,000 Chinese infants and killed four more.

The dog food fiasco of a year ago, which also involved too much melamine, led to some figurative decapitations and a shakeup in China. But so far, the Chinese government has doled out little or no discipline for the current melamine imbroglio. I don't know about you, but I find that very curious.

Only one bureaucrat has resigned, and that was a futile, inconsequential gesture in the scheme of things. And that scheme is spreading.

Under the cloud of the sick and dying infants in China , the well-known British candy maker, Cadbury, which has some of its candy lines made in China, decided to test its own products for melamine. Good thing they did. According to, Cadbury found it in eleven categories of its candy.

In Indonesia, according to, "high doses" of melamine were found in Chinese-made M&Ms, Oreo cookies, and Snickers bars.

Then, the Food and Drug Administration, the California Department of Health and San Mateo Public Health Department started testing White Rabbit Candy, which is also made in China and distributed in the U.S. by Queensway Foods Company Inc. The agencies found "high levels" of melamine in that brand. Queensway immediately and voluntarily yanked White Rabbit from some, but not all, store shelves.

Not all, because it's also begun to show up in Connecticut, according to Jerry Farrell, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, told FSB, "We continue our work with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help in the inspection and evaluation of imported food items that could contain milk or milk protein from China."

That's great, but I'd recommend widening the search to any and all Chinese made foods, and I'd look for more than just melamine. The implication is obvious. Every state department of consumer protection should be taking a long, hard look at any food product made in China.

Tainted food is but one disturbing checkmark on a list comprising a potential secret agenda. The second is a latent threat to our economy.

The proposed $700 billion financial bailout won't all come from U.S. taxpayers. As we all know, we have a huge budget deficit because we spend way more than the IRS coffers hold. So we have to borrow money. And guess which country owns the second largest number of Treasury notes (bonds we float to borrow that money): China. Only Japan owns more.

According to the blog, Discursive Monologue, "The Twin Towers of East Asia, Japan and China own so many claims against Americans that we might as well put our children in chains as they are born. No one will ever be able to pay them off. Who owns America? Everyone except Americans."

And that has people in the government reaching for antacids. We're being held hostage in an implied sort of way and the president and secretary of state have to tread very lightly when dealing with the Chinese.

That's why we haven't been more aggressive about advocating for human rights in China, why we treat mention of Taiwan as if it was a PC taboo, why it is we aren't buddy-buddy with the Dalai lama and vigorously supporting freedom for Tibet, and why we open our markets wide to the Chinese while accepting atrocious restrictions they put on our products sent to China. I've worked with an Asian importer, and the amount of paperwork required to get a product on Beijing's shelves is astounding.

According to the U.S. Census, which is one U.S. agency that keeps an eye on trade, from January through July of this year, the U.S. has exported $43,128.8 (numbers are in millions) to China, while the Chinese have exported $185,468.5 to our markets, which leaves us with a trade deficit of $142,339.7. But here's the kicker and what has everybody walking on eggshells: In the context of our current economic problems, if China decided tomorrow to cash in its Treasuries, our economy could very likely slip into a "China syndrome" meltdown, and that's what has the government's knickers in a knot.

Okay, so if our government can't act for fear of economic calamity, what can we do?

The answer is surprisingly simple, but the task somewhat difficult. We stop buying Chinese goods, plain and simple. But how do we know what's made in China for certain? Read the label.

I had no idea, for instance, that 50% of apple juice shipped into this country comes from China. Bet you didn't know that either. To me, apples, apple juice, apple pie, apple crisp, etc. are all considered 100% American icons grown in the good old U.S.A.

Why are we importing apple juice from China? Therein lies the rub. In some ways, we err through our own traditional beliefs. It's inconceivable to me that we need to import apple juice when we have so many apple orchards here.

Fortunately, though, Americans are starting to "get it." According to a USA Today/Gallup poll some 46 percent of people who participated are "very concerned" about the safety of food imported from China.

Good! So, how do we even the trade playing field and protect ourselves? Consider this, (it came from an accountant friend): If 20 million Americans took a pass on buying just $20 worth of Chinese-made goods, we'd actually reverse the trade deficit. To put it another way, we'd have a trade surplus with the Chinese.

But, there are a lot of Chinese products on our store shelves, and where they're made is not always easily identified. The best thing to do is scour the packaging. If it's made in China--and you'll be surprised by how many products are--put it back on the shelf--even if it's a name brand. If all you see is the name of a distributor and no "Made In...," play it safe and put it back. If they won't tell you where the product they distribute is made they're obviously covering it up.

We need our food to be safeguarded, and we can do that only by being vigilant in what we buy, not buying Chinese-manufactured food and by bringing jobs back to the U.S. and putting outsource victims back to work.

I would much rather pay more for U.S.-manufactured products I can trust than to pay less and become a victim of China's tainted goods.

Simply stated, pay close attention to packaging and don't buy Chinese-made products of any kind.

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Hello again, as we all know chocolate bars such as snickers, Twix & Butterfinger have skyrocketed in price over the last couple of years, so what can we do. We can do a few things, we can absorb the increase in price, we can pass on the price to our customers, or we can substitute some of the chocolate bars with some higher profit items. If you do not have these items in your vending machine then try them, Nutty bars (these are chocolate wafers with peanut butter between them), Oreo cookies (6 pack), Sweet & salty bars & Fruit by the foot.

My vending customers love the nutty bars & Oreo's are a big favorite, there are other substitutes out there you have to find them & try them. You can sell these items at a lower price (your customers will like that) & your profit & profit margin will be higher. An example would be snickers cost around 43 cents & most are charging around 80 cents to non-commission accounts. The profit would be 37 cents or 46%. If you used nutty bars you can charge around 65 cents to non-commission accounts & the cost is only around 20 cents. The profit would be 45 cents or 69%, in the case of the Oreo's the profit should be around 40 cents or 61%.

In both these examples I am using 65 cents as a sale price, 15 cents less then the choc. bar & in both cases the profit was higher with both substitutes. Again both of these items are cheaper for our customers to buy & both are very popular in my machines. A couple of things before I end, chances are you will not be able to take out all the chocolate bars lets be realistic, our customers want some chocolate bars so you still have to decide what to do about the price of those items. Second you will have to experiment with each vending account before you find out what choc. bars you can substitute & what substitutes sell in each account. Keep the big sellers & move out the smaller selling bars, this will keep them happy then sprinkle in the substitutes & see what happens.

granny cookies Peanut Brittle

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