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EDIT I am getting a girl! She is an albino girl with pink eyes. Not sure yet, but I believe she has an ALL white coat and she sounds beautiful. I will get her this weekend or next weekend. I still am thinking about the name!! Her original name is Silver. I was thinking about "Silver Angel", "Willow", or just "Silver". What do you guys think? I will keep the video since others may be trying to find a name for their ferret =) EDIT AGAIN I got my ferret!! His name is Loki, please check out his new videos =) ---List of Names--- Boy names Newton Dodger Twix Maverick Cooper Snickers Dingo Loki Ringo Pluto Skipper Rascal Bartleby Elliot Duncan Mallory Nanook Baloo Fang Yogi Canine Girl names Layla Silver Angel Kitty Kiwi Coco Cookie Rose Willow Mocha Crystal Milly

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Please do not ask why I made this. This is why you don't play with scissors kids. - Little Fernando finds himself in trouble while playing with scissors... what will happen?? watch the video to find out!

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Heyy mofos. :0) I wanted to make this short vid to introduce myself & to get to know you guys better. :p lol All you have to do is answer the stupid questions I ask you in a comment below. x) Let's become bffs! :D xoxo, Nina Tweet Me! QUESTIONS: 1.) What's your name? Gian[nina] :0) 2.) What is your favorite color? Purple, yellow, & blue. 3.) Do you have any pets? I have a dog, an evil cat, 4 chickens, & 6 bunnies. :D 4.) Who is your favorite artist/band? Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, & Savannah Outen. :0) 5.) Do you make YouTube vids? If so, what are they about? I make random vids about... anything. :p 6.) Who is your favorite YouTuber? SHANE DAWSON! ;p 7.) Do you like cookies? I am the cookie monsta. x) 8.) Where do you live? - California. 9.) What is your favorite candy? - Snickers or Sour Patch Watermelon. ;D 10.) What are your hobbies? - Acting, drawing, photography, filming, & dancing. xD 11.) Tell me something random about yourself. - I like turtles. :0) 13.) Have anything else to say about yourself? :0) I skipped #12! :O Song: "Alejandro" (Instrumental) Artist: Lady Gaga :D

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this video was actually for a school project... Making Deep Fried Ice Cream REALLY EASY! Materials: Mixing Bowl, Ice cream scooper, Fry-Daddy, Fry-Daddy spatula, and a cookie sheet Ingredients: Atleast 4 quarts ice cream atleast 4 cups crushed cereal 2 Tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 eggs strawberries and whip cream (optional) **TIP#1: the longer you leave the ice cream scoops in the freezer, the better it will turn out! **TIP#2: if you run out of the cereal crumb mixture, make some more :)

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Lalala Dedication To.... Yup you guessed it! Snickers!!!!!!! lol J/K

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I get a lot of questions about NutriSystem's desserts. After all, getting to eat sweets is a big draw of this diet. And, sweets that are low in calories, fats, and carbs are pretty rare in a diet. But, how do they taste? Because what good is getting to eat desserts if they taste like cardboard or if your only choices are a few or undesirable ones? So, in the following article, I'll go over the NutriSystem dessert options, how they taste, and what your choices are.

Cakes: There are a couple of cake choices. These include the golden pound cake and the chocolate. Now, when I say cake, I don't mean the round, two layer variety. You don't get an entire, big round thing like you would on your birthday. You basically get a slice. The portions are small, but decent enough. And the taste is not too bad at all, although I prefer the golden. No, there's no icing on these. But, what do you expect? Its a diet. And, I'm just happy I'm getting to have my cake and eat it too.

NutriSystem Cookies: There are a few varieties here including chocolate chip, double chocolate almond, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, and white chocolate chunk. You know how some dietetic cookies have a cardboard like texture and they crumble horribly and make your mouth dry so that you feel like you can never get enough milk? These are not that bad and there isn't that fake sugar aftertaste. I find the chocolate chunk too strong tasting (a chocolate cookie with chocolate chips added in is overkill, in my opinion.) but, the white chocolate is my favorite. It has a nice, nutty, but sweet flavor.

NutriSystem Protein Bars And Candy Bars: There are two types of bars here. Basically, there is a granola, protein bar type option that comes in the following flavors: chocolate nougat with peanuts and caramel (kind of like snickers); chocolate delight (kind of like 3 musketeers); strawberry shortcake (kind of like a strawberry granola bar); chocolate peanut butter (kind of like Reece's); and blueberry lemon. (This one is my favorite. It is so light, fresh, and indulgent and is unique and different.)

In terms of the candy bar type options, there is a chocolate crunch bar (like Nestle's crunch) and a chocolate mint (like Andee's candies.)

Biscotti: I am very fond of the biscotti. If you've ever had Starbucks biscotti, you know that this is a crunchy, but sort of light treat that often has a nutty taste. There is an almond option and a chocolate macadamia nut. Both are very good, but I like the almond better.

NutriSystem Brownies: There are two choices here but both of them are chocolate. One is more of a chewy bar type and the other has a liquid center that you microwave. The liquid one tends to get messy and the soft liquid in the middle can be sort of a surprise if you are not expecting it.

Cocoa And Chocolate Pudding: The company also offers cocoa / hot chocolate and a pudding. Both are good, but nothing really different tasting that what you could get at the grocery store. The real difference lies in the fact that the company has somehow removed the excess carbs, sugar, fat and calories, which is a good thing.

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