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The Blizzard® 25th Birthday Challenge continues with the Snickers Blizzard Treat. Inside of this Blizzard Challenge you can learn more about a brand new Oreo Cookie and the winner of $5 Gift Card.

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Selena: S Miley: M Joe: J Nick: N Kevin: K OUTSIDE THE JONAS HOUSE J-*grins sheepishly* hehe sorry *thinks: I like being woken up that way...* M- *blushes* I guess im the one who should say sorry, but seriously! Your eyelashes are beautiful! J- *confused* what...? N- *shows Joe the pictures of himself* HAHAHA! J- *sighs* I suppose I had it coming...but you are right! My eyelashes are exquisite! *grins* M- *laughs* K- *growls* would someone tell me what is going on?! *rubs eyes* S- well, Nick wanted us to help him get back at Joe, so you see what we did...and I decided to make Miley just a little bit embarrassed... *snickers* M- tell you the truth...I had some fun when you pushed me... *waggles eyebrows at Joe* J- *laughs* at least you weren't the one who got smashed...and evidently kneed... *glares at Nick* but I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it a little... *chuckles* N- What...? S- *sighs* so much for embarrassing her... K- *rolls eyes* Im going back to more drama for tonight please... *walks inside* J- since you guys are already here, want some food? M- *glares at Nick* now the victim offers food! What about my wages? N- *ruefully grins* Come on, then! *walks inside to the kitchen* J&M&S- *follows Nick* N- *sorts through pantry* well...we have chips, and...*wrinkles nose* cookies... M- I love cookies! Gimme them! *grabs smashed up cookies in Ziploc bag, and starts eating them* N&J- *snicker* M- *stares at N&J* what? J- well...I made those, from many ...

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Math was never an easy subject for me in school. It didn't seem to matter how much I tried I never seemed to understand what the teacher wanted and I dreaded when we worked out problems on the board, I always made a mistake and the other children always snickered or had hurtful comments to make. The teachers always seemed at a lost of what to do to help me or any other student who could not keep up with the schedule they had written down at the beginning of the school year. I didn't want my own children to experience the dread of learning math; determining that things would be different for them I came up with some tips and now I hope that these suggestions might offer help and guidance if you know a child who struggles with their math skills.

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Obsessed with looking young? Well, you do not really have to scour the globe like Juan Ponce de Leon to find your own ‘Fountain of Youth'. Just gobbling down greens, dried nuts, fresh fruits and veggies everyday would ensure that you give those runway glam dolls a run for their money. All you have to do is drop the jellybeans, snicker bars, wafers, cookies and beer cans from your grocery list and chock up your cart with carrots, melons, beans, berries and greens instead to enjoy some healthy noshing. Apart from whetting up your bon appetite, these fruits and veggies would stall ageing, prevent cancer and cardiac diseases and lengthen your life span by years. Sounds too good to be true, right? Take it or leave it, but it's true. All the bright colored fruits and vegetables like spinach, melons, tomatoes, red bell peppers, mangoes and more, that you see on the supermarket shelves are loaded with antioxidants, a compound that helps to fight the free radicals in the body and minimize the influence of ‘oxidative stress'. If you want to dig deep on the health perks of antioxidants, read on. Antioxidants Benefits

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